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Last minute gifts

Last minute gifts

A selection of our gifts

Did you forget to buy a gift for the birthday kid? Is there not enough time for you to find the perfect Christmas present? Instead of panicking, you can buy a gift card as a last minute gift. It's not just an emergency solution, it can in fact be a choice that the recipient can be very happy about.

There are several types of gifts to choose from if time is running out. Flowers and lottery tickets are common choices when looking for a gift that can be appreciated by most people. The chocolate box is another typical choice, as is a magazine or two.

Last minute gift - some quick tips

The person who receives the gift will probably be happy for the care and attention. However, the person giving the gift may not be as happy with their performance. For example, for birthday presents, you often want to think of something more special.

If you have a few more days, you have the opportunity to be more creative and careful with your gift or last minute Christmas present. You can take a turn in town and look in different stores or order from online. For the latter, however, you must be sure that you can get the gift home in time.

Small and large gift cards

More and more people are discovering the benefits of giving away gift cards. When you give away a gift card, you give away a tailor-made gift because the recipient can choose a gift according to their own taste. Only the amount sets the limits.

GoGift has more than 350 gift cards for you to choose from. That's probably enough for you to find just the right gift card for a last minute gift. Clothes, experiences, electronics, interior design, travel - GoGift has gift cards for all tastes.

With a Super Gift Card, the recipients can choose for themselves

If you cannot figure out the perfect gift or Christmas present, there is always a Super Gift Card as an alternative. Here at GoGift, you can buy a Super Gift Card that is valid for the entire range of gift cards. It can be delivered both physically and digitally.

Immediate delivery

Our gift cards and Super Gift Cards can be delivered digitally via w-mail or SMS. So you can be out at the very last minute and still manage to arrange a gift or Christmas present, whether it's a birthday gift, a housewarming gift or something else.

For example, if you do not have a Christmas present ready when it is time for the parcel delivery after Kalle Anka, Super gift cards with delivery via SMS can be the emergency solution you're looking for. If you have a few more minutes, you can print the gift card and wrap it in a nice or neat way.