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Small gifts at small prices with fast delivery

Small gifts at small prices with fast delivery

A selection of our gifts

Sometimes you just want to say thank you for the help or send a small gift without making such a big deal of it all. It can be a simple thank you to a helping hand in the form of a free cup of coffee, or why not send a small gift such as a scratch card to the friendly soul who found your lost wallet or purse.

Maybe you want to thank the friends who lined up and helped with the move, the babysitter who jumped in at short notice, the neighbor who watered the flowers, or especially the one who helped when the car refused to start?

No matter the reason you have, we will help you send that little greeting or thank you gift that says so much. Of course, there are a lot of everyday heroes who deserve to be noticed and rewarded.

Choose delivery via text message or email and your thank you gift will arrive in no time!

You'll find our small gifts below and of course a free thank you card is included.