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Support the Childhood Cancer Foundation - gift cards via SMS, mail and e-mail

Support the Childhood Cancer Foundation - gift cards via SMS, mail and e-mail

A selection of our gifts

Support the Childhood Cancer Foundation by giving away a gift card in favor of the Childhood Cancer Foundation's efforts to solve the mystery of childhood cancer. By purchasing a gift card for the benefit of the Childhood Cancer Foundation's charity work, you're involved in the fight to eradicate childhood cancer and ensure that all victims receive the support and help they need.

If you - as a business customer - are looking for a memorial gift, anniversary gift or Christmas gift that goes in the sign of charity, this is the gift for you. You can choose what amount your gift should be and how you want us to deliver it to the recipient. Of course, you can also send along your own personal greeting in the form of a picture and text.

We always have lightning-fast delivery - either by mail in 1 day no matter where in Sweden you want to send your card to or immediate delivery via e-mail and text message for those of you who are in a last minute situation.

Your gift makes a difference!