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Balloon flight DK Gift Card

Balloon flight DK Gift Card

Denmark seen from above

  • Send physically by mail or by e-mail
  • The gift card is valid for up to 2 years
  • Ballooning on Zealand, in Silkeborg and Ry

Experience how beautiful it is to fly low over the treetops, close to the city and nature.
It can be completely unreal to stand in absolute silence and almost silently glide over the beautiful land, lakes and fields. Everyone waves up to you and greets you on the traditional "coffee for unexpected guests" ...

DreamBalloon lands at sunset and finishes the packing of equipment with champagne and a cozy round-off. There are flights both from Zealand and in the area around Silkeborg in Jutland.

There are flights every day from 1 May to 1 October

When booking, you can choose between the regions: North Zealand, Roskilde, Ringsted or Slagelse.
In Jutland, flights are flown in the areas around Silkeborg and Ry.

You get the following:
- Total event lasting approx. 3-4 hours, of which approx. 1 hour flight in hot air balloon.
- The flight includes a welcome and safety briefing as well as participation in setting up the balloon.
- After the flight: The traditional champagne baptism, a personal baptismal certificate and a cozy snack.

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