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Danske Guldsmede & Urmagere DK Gift Card

All in gold, silver and watches

  • Send physically by mail
  • The gift card is valid for 10 years
  • Applies to over 300 goldsmiths and watchmakers in Denmark

With a beautiful gift card for Danish Goldsmiths and Watchmakers you give a lasting gift. The gift card can be used in over 300 jewelry and watch shops across the country.

The stores have a large and varied selection of jewelry, watches and accessories — from the well-known brands to unique.

A gift card from Danske Guldsmede og Urmagere is always something special. The gift card cannot be redeemed for cash. See which stores accept the gift card here.

Delivery method



Who will receive the gift card?

No name will be added to the gift card.

Phone number


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Greeting Card

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You are about to order a partner gift card mediated by GoGift. The gift card itself is provided by the partner labeled on the gift card and it is the partner who is responsible for your use of the gift card. Read more about your rights in our terms and conditions.