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Tjäreborg FI Gift Card
Tjäreborg FI Gift Card
Tjäreborg FI Gift Card

Tjäreborg FI Gift Card

Give holiday experiences as a gift

  • Delivery by post, e-mail or text message
  • The gift card is valid for 3 years from the date of activation
  • Can be used as a means of payment by phone and online

Tjäreborgin holiday gift card is always a welcome gift. Choose the amount you want for the gift card, which the gift recipient can use as payment for any holiday trip in Tjäreborg - for example, a sunny beach holiday, a dream long-distance holiday or a weekend city holiday.

The gift card is valid for three years from the date of purchase and can be used in one or more payments. The gift card cannot be used to pay for flights or destinations and cannot be exchanged for cash.

Delivery method

Delivery date



Who will receive the gift card?

No name will be added to the gift card.



Create Greeting

Greeting Card

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You are about to buy or redeem to a partner gift card mediated by GoGift. The gift card itself is provided by the partner labeled on the gift card and it is the partner who is responsible for your use of the gift card. Read more about your rights in our terms and conditions.