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  1. Punainen Risti FI Gift Card

    Punainen Risti FI Gift Card

    Help with your help

    From €5
  2. Save the Children FI Gift Card

    Save the Children FI Gift Card

    Give the future as a gift Christmas collection, Save the Children

    From €5
  3. UNICEF FI Gift Card

    UNICEF FI Gift Card

    Donate to the children who need it most

    From €5
  4. World Vision, A Goat Charity FI Gift Card

    World Vision, A Goat Charity FI Gift Card

    With your gift an impoverished family in a developing country receives a goat

    From €42
  5. World Vision, Baby Aid Kit FI Charity Gift Card

    World Vision, Baby Aid Kit FI Charity Gift Card

    With your gift a Kenyan or Somalian mother receives a baby aid kit for her new-born baby

    From €35
  6. World Vision, Combat climate change FI Charity Gift Card

    World Vision, Combat climate change FI Charity Gift Card

    Help promote land regeneration and improve livelihoods

    From €12
  7. When bad things happen - Save the Children FI Donation Gift Card

    When bad things happen - Save the Children FI Donation Gift Card

    When bad things happen - Save the Children

    From €5
  8. World Vision, Help children in the crisis in Ukraine FI Gift Card

    World Vision, Help children in the crisis in Ukraine FI Gift Card

    Help children and families in the crisis in Ukraine. Donate to an emergency fundraiser

    From €5
  9. Help a lonely person FI Donation Gift Card

    Help a lonely person FI Donation Gift Card

    Making a donation helps to combat loneliness

    From €5
  10. Walk with a Senior - an intangible gift FI Donation

    Walk with a Senior - an intangible gift FI Donation

    Give a lonely senior a walking companion

    From €25
  11. Family mentor - an intangible gift FI Donation Gift Card

    Family mentor - an intangible gift FI Donation Gift Card

    Help a family to receive mentor’s support

    From €40
  12. Youth Crisis help - an intangible gift FI Donation

    Youth Crisis help - an intangible gift FI Donation

    A gift of conversation to help the young

    From €80
  13. World Vision, Scholarship for a girl FI Gift Card

    World Vision, Scholarship for a girl FI Gift Card

    Scholarship for a girl

    From €30
  14. World Vision, A gift for women FI Gift Card

    World Vision, A gift for women FI Gift Card

    A gift for women

    From €25
  15. Diakonissalaitos FI Gift Card

    Diakonissalaitos FI Gift Card

    Give the gift of support from a safe adult

    From €5
  16. Help the Saimaa ringed seal - Intangible gift FI Gift card

    Help the Saimaa ringed seal - Intangible gift FI Gift card

    Donate to help the world's rarest seal

    From €5
  17. Protect life - Intangible gift FI Gift card

    Protect life - Intangible gift FI Gift card

    Donate to help the climate and biodiversity

    From €5
  18. Help Finnish nature - Intangible gift FI Gift card

    Help Finnish nature - Intangible gift FI Gift card

    Donate to support Finland's endangered species

    From €5
  19. CO2Esto FI Gift Card

    CO2Esto FI Gift Card

    Give a climate act as a gift

    From €20