World Vision, Scholarship for a girl FI Gift Card

World Vision, Scholarship for a girl FI Gift Card

Scholarship for a girl

  • Sent physically by post, via e-mail or SMS
  • No expiry, Charity gift card
With this gift you support girls’ education in developing countries. The COVID-19 pandemic cut off many girls’ access to education. Either they stayed at home to help with the domestic chores or their families wanted to marry them off for financial reasons. Education significantly changes the life trajectories of girls. It improves the health of the girl as well as her self-esteem and it also decreases the probability of the girl having to get married while she is a minor. If every girl in the world was given the chance to go to school for 12 years, the amount of child marriages would decrease by 64 percent.
Every additional year in school decreases the girl’s risk for early marriage by 5 percent. Girls’ education also affects their future salary development. Every additional year in secondary school can increase the girl’s future salary by 25 percent.

World Vision Finland is one of Finland's largest development cooperation organisations and an independent part of the world's largest sponsored children's organisation, World Vision. World Vision Finland protects children and defends their rights in Africa, Asia and Latin America. With the support of Finns, the organization helps more than two million children and adults.

This is a partner gift card - read more in our terms & conditions. This affects the holder’s rights regarding deficiencies and defects and in the event of a partner’s bankruptcy.

RA/2021/1328 & ÅLR 2021/3576

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