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Furuvik SE Gift Card

Furuvik SE Gift Card

Animal and adventurous welcome to Furuvik

  • Delivery by mail
  • Valid 24 months from activation date
  • Valid at Parks and Resorts and can be used at Gröna Lund, Kolmården, Furuvik and Skara Sommarland.

When you want everything and a little more - choose Furuvik! Here attracts a fast-paced amusement park, splashing water park and fascinating animal experiences.

In addition, about 20 concerts with both Swedish and international artists. This year is also the premiere for Draken - a roller coaster for the whole family!

The gift cards are valid at Parks and Resorts and can be used at Gröna Lund, Kolmården Furuvik and Skara Sommarland.

Did you get a gift card at Parks and Resorts?

You can always check the balance on your Furuvik gift card by visiting this page.

Furuvik carefully opens up parts of the zoo for a limited number of guests. Read more here.

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Who will receive the gift card?

No name will be added to the gift card.

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You are about to buy or redeem to a partner gift card mediated by GoGift. The gift card itself is provided by the partner labeled on the gift card and it is the partner who is responsible for your use of the gift card. Read more about your rights in our terms and conditions.