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Money Gifts

Money Gifts

A selection of our gifts

Do you also think that the flat money envelope is a bit boring and uninventive to both receive and give - despite the fact that the content is of course useful to most people? At GoGift, we completely agree with you, but in fact it does not take much to turn the otherwise boring gift of money into a gift that both seems well-considered and personal. Take, for example, the classic money tree, which time and time again manages to create attention on the gift table. The money tree is especially a good idea, just when the beech is popping out around April. If you want to gift a money tree with beech branches, you can simply cut off a few fine branches and decorate them with coins, banknotes, flags and whatever you find appropriate. If the money tree is to be given to the confirmand, you can advantageously decorate the tree with pictures of the confirmand to make the gift more personal. So the gift of money does not have to be boring and uninventive if you just hand over the money in a creative way. Read here and get inspiration for good ways to give a monetary gift.

Creative money gifts

Have you just received a wish list from the confirmand, where money is at the top of the list? Then there are actually many ways in which your particular gift will be remembered, even if the content is something as basic as money. You can advantageously give the gift in a way that forces the recipient to actively get their hands on the money. For example, you can get coins in balloons that are tied together like a bunch of grapes. The gift of money is both incredibly nice and a fun activity for the recipient and all the guests. Use evt. balloons in the recipient's favorite color or fill a balloon or two with a small gift if you want to make the gift more personal. For example, you can buy a gift card for the recipient's favorite store as a small extra gift. The absolutely classic cheat gift is also a perfect idea if you want the gift itself to be entertaining. Our best tip for you who give money in a cheat gift is to wrap the money with something heavy so that it is harder to figure out what the gift actually contains. If you are really creative, you can also choose to fold the banknotes as small fine butterflies, paper airplanes or something completely different. The figures can possibly put on the card as a decoration or used in a fine decoration with flowers.

If you are still not completely convinced that a monetary gift is actually a good idea, then you can also choose to give a gift card to a store or experience you know the recipient loves. The gift card, like the banknotes, can also be given in a creative way in a cheat gift, on a money / gift card tree or in a beautiful balloon - only the imagination sets the limits for fun gift cards and monetary gifts.

Fun money gifts at GoGift

Are you in doubt about what to give the birth attendant, the bride and groom or the confirmand? A monetary gift or a gift card is rarely a bad idea as you allow the recipient to choose for themselves. Use our advice for creative money gifts if you also think that the money envelope is a bit boring.

Founded in 2003, GoGift is a leading global gifting company. GoGift is owned by Egmont, Scandinavia's largest media group.
